Evening Forum: Disruptive Innovation

Evening Forum: Disruptive Innovation

New technologies of revolutionary scale open new markets and business models and close others.
As Industry 4.0 technologies continue to gain maturity, they provide efficiencies that disrupt the global economy.

Join the discussion with our diverse panel of experts on how new technologies are changing the face of manufacturing and how those technologies will impact the workforce, the market, and established business models in Australia and Germany.


  • Jeff Connolly, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Ltd
  • Horst von Sanden, Chief Executive Officer, Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific
  • Alex Kingsbury, Managing Director, Additive Economics


  • Dr Jens Goennemann, Managing Director, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre Ltd


The Mercedes me Store Melbourne is the first one in Australia, and the seventh Mercedes me concept store in the world and sees Mercedes team up with Melbourne coffee maestros St Ali to create a unique space. We're excited to invite our members to this special venue.


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